Monday 15 September 2014

MTN National Crater Cruise

The Crater Cruise is usually the last race of the MTN national XCM series. Situated in the Free state in a small town called Parys. Most people have that picture in their minds that Crater Cruise is a easy day on the bike just because the route profile is a lot flatter than most of the other MTN national races, but one can never underestimate the Crater Cruise. The heat, sand and bumpy roads are the main factors that make this race so difficult. Parys is about 50km from where I study and 40km from where I live so I can almost say it was my "home ground" with a lot of friends and family out there to support me on the day.

The start was a 5km tar section through the streets of Parys and with no neutral car the pace was fast from the word go. It was the first Marathon (80km) race held at the Crater Cruise usually there was only a 55km and a 115km so the 80km route was new to everyone and I was not sure what to expect. throughout the race I positioned myself at the front to make sure I don't miss any moves at the front. The real bumpy roads started at about 20km into the race and the King of the Mountain(KOM) was at about 30km so the leading group was still very big at this stage of the race. I went to the front up to the KOM trying to thin out the leading group and I succeeded in my goal. With only a selected group of about 10 riders left things started to move in the right direction. We rode a nice but sandy singletrack alongside the river and I managed to lead us into that section. At the end 3 of us made a gap on the rest of the group and we worked well together trying to extend our lead. It was not long when everything got together again. About 30km to Go Julius Cobbet launched one attack after another and soon there were only 6 of us left chasing the lone leader.

15km later and it was still the 6 of us chasing the leader and we didn't really closed the gap. Next on road was a long bumpy drag and I realized we had to do something otherwise it will be a sprint for 2nd place. I pushed my body to the limit up that climb trying to get myself clear from to group and up with the leader. I managed to get away with one other rider on my wheel, the two of us worked our way to the finish line in pursuit of the leader. 

Unfortunately the two of us could not catch Julius so it was between us for 2nd place. I knew Julius was not a U23 rider anymore so the top step for U23 was still open for someone to take. Philemon a rider from the Exxaro academy was the rider on my tail and also a U23 rider. There was a bridge were only one rider can ride over about 50m from the finish and I just got myself over that bridge in the lead to claim 2nd overall and 1st U23 in the marathon. This is my best result in a MTN national series thus far and it was my last as a U23. It was a great experience and a unbelievable feeling.


Thank you to everyone who supported me I really appreciate it, it makes my effort just that more easier knowing there are people waiting for me at the finish line. I can't thank my sponsors enough for their support at every race and in my preparation. The guys from GU energy , Salomon , POC SA, Jeep apparel and Jeep SA are making it all worth the effort.  Next up is the 4th Nissan trailseeker see you guys there.

Till next time 
Train safe
Smurfie :-) 

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