Monday 1 September 2014

Nissan Trialseeker #3

The 3rd leg of the Nissan Trailseeker took place on Saterday at Curro college near Hazeldean. I had a few weeks without racing and did some good training in the winter and I thought we will have a nice warm race on Saturday, when I got the great news there is a cold front on its way and believe me we felt it! It was freezing cold on the start line with temperatures close to 0 degrees. But as always there were some classy riders such as Nico Bell, Ben Melt and Brand Du Plessis who made the pace hot in the early stages of the race. I'm mentally a lot stronger than earlier in the year where I overcame injuries, illness and some mechanical problems in races. I prepared well for the second half of the season including Saturdays race and I gained some much needed confidence.

Back to racing, the hotspot was 9km into the race and soon a leading group formed of about 12 riders. As in most of the races when the climbing starts the bunch gets smaller and smaller and that is what happened Saturday as well. After a few attacks we were only 5 guys left in the group. We worked well together up until 45km, when I realized my back tire is slowly but surely losing air. I did't want to stop because I knew that will be the end for me and I won't see the leading 4 again. While I rode I took my gloves off and got my bomb ready to make this stop as quickly as possible to try and catch them again. So I kept on riding until it was impossible to race with such a flat tire and I quickly stopped and bombed my wheel, it took me like 15 seconds and I were back on my bike chasing the leaders again. It was a difficult task and I got really close but wasn't able to catch them. I just kept my own pace trying to stay clear of a big chasing group behind me. Unfortunately I had to bomb my wheel for a second time with about 10km to go and at that moment the chasers caught and passed me. It was a big mental knock for me and I got back on my bike and charged to the finish line. There was just not enough time to catch them again and I had to settle for 12th place overall and a hard fought 2nd U23. I took some great confidence out of the race and i'm looking forward to race the 4th leg on the 4th of October. With the U23 podium far from settled there is still a lot to race for.  

I got a very nice surprise after Saturdays race and that is a new POC helmet! now I can ride in style,comfort and safety. Thank you to Team Jeep SA (@teamjeepsa) and POC SA (@POCSouthAfrica) for this beauty. Follow them on twitter for all their latest products.

Thanks to all the sponsors and partners for all the support through thick and thin.

See you guys at the next race.
Be safe
Pierre (@smurfie6)

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